September 1-7, 2019 – HAWAII – Cool Kids Cooking Club

Cool Kids Cooking Club Week One September 1-7, 2019


Aloha! And welcome to the first week of the Cool Kids Cooking Club — a “virtual” club where kids and their parents cook the same dishes the same week as kids all across the country!
If this is your first time hearing about the club, read this post first about how it all works: Cooking Club Introduction
If you want to join the club — please do! The more the merrier! Click here to join our club group on Facebook, where our interaction will take place (it will ask you three questions to join: if you want to join the cool kids cooking club (this is not a commitment to anything), how old your kids are, and how you heard about the club).


A great way to keep your recipes is to print them out (using the little icon by the recipe that looks like a printer) so that kids who know how to read can follow along with you on the recipe card. When a recipe is on your phone, your kids may think you are just looking at Instagram and not the recipe haha. It will also be awesome to have all the recipes from the Club in one place!

I like printing the recipes 2 pages per sheet like this:

and putting them all in a mini binder like this one and sliding each recipe into a page protector (so the pages won’t get splashed and saucy!)

I also created a cover page that you can use if you like for the front of your binder!

Follow this Link Here and do like you did above — do 2 “pages per sheet” and it will print as a half page for your mini binder!

And now, on to Hawaii week!

(this is the badge for the week, if you are doing badges for your kids. If you want to learn more about badges, read the introduction post )

Have you ever been to Hawaii before? I have gotten to go twice and can’t wait to go back some day. The colors and flavors of the Islands are so vibrant and bold. A great way to remember a trip, or just daydream about one, is making their food at home!

This week, we will be preparing three delicious dishes inspired by Hawaii:

  1. Teriyaki Chicken Thighs

  2. Hawaiian Mac Salad

  3. Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes

You can make all three for one meal, or spread them out throughout the week — whatever works for you and your family! Just try to make all three within the week of September 1-7, 2019 (and please post about them in our Facebook group!)

Without further ado — a taste of The Islands here for you!

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Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken
A delicious taste of Hawaii that is easy to make at home with your kids.
Chicken Thighs
Chicken Thighs
  1. Mix all the ingredients into a large bowl. Measure out the ingredients and let the kids add them to the bowl.
  2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, leaving the stir spoon inside the bowl. Refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Every time you open the fridge for something, give the chicken a stir!
  3. Once you are ready to get cooking, preheat a grill or grill pan to medium high heat. Remove the chicken to the grill and pour the remaining marinade down the drain (raw chicken swimming in the sauce = bacteria you don't want on your cooked chicken!)
  4. Grill the chicken completely. Chicken should have an internal temperature of 165F to be completely cooked through (chicken is not like steak, it has only one doneness -- DONE or RAW).
  5. Serve immediately with pineapple chunks on the side!
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Hawaiian Macaroni Salad
A staple of the Hawaiian Plate Lunch!
  1. Boil water in a large pot and add all the pasta. Let cook for 12 minutes (you want it to be SOFT not AL DENTE). Drain well and mix with a little mayonnaise to prevent sticking.
  2. Finely dice/mince or shred your onion and rinse with cold water to remove bitterness. Shred your carrots and add the carrots, onion, mayonnaise, and pepper to cooled pasta. Mix and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.
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Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes
Mini Cakes
Mini Cakes
  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Spray jumbo muffin tin with cooking spray. I only have one 6 count Jumbo pan, so if you have more than one -- you'll need up to 18 cups. If you only have one like me, you can also use a 9x9 pan for the extra batter.
  2. Mix melted butter and brown sugar and spoon a bit into the bottom of each muffin cup (and smatter around the 9x9 if you are using one).
  3. Picking up one pineapple slice at a time, place the pineapple into the muffin cup on the brown sugar/butter mixture (reserve the pineapple juice in the cans for the next step!). Then place a cherry right in the middle of the pineapple circle hole (isn't this cute?!?)
  4. Prepare the cake mix according to the back of the box -- but instead of water use the pineapple juice from the slices cans. Use a 1/3 cup measuring cup or cookie scoop to put batter into the cups on top of the pineapple and cherry.
  5. Bake in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes or until a knife comes out clean. Let them sit in the pan for a few minutes before attempting to remove. Use a knife to loosen the sides of the cakes and place a clean cookie sheet on the bottom of the cakes and flip over, tipping the cakes out onto the cookie sheet.
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I will be posting our pictures on the Facebook group, and feel free to either comment under a picture with your own picture — or start your own comment!

I can’t wait to see everyone’s pictures and your kid’s reactions to the food! Please don’t hesitate to send me a Facebook message if you have any questions or concerns.

Also, invite your friends to join the club! The more the merrier! The club is absolutely FREE — buying the badges is totally optional (and I sell them at cost from buying them in bulk).

Aloha from Hawaii!