Cool Kids Cooking Club Introduction

Hello and welcome to the Cool Kids Cooking Club!

I have a 6 year old, 5 year old, and 2 year old — and like most parents — meal times tend to turn into a battlefield. In an attempt to get my kids to eat better, I started having them help me menu plan, prepare the food, and get the table ready.

This simple act of including them in the meal preparation hugely helped in their desire to eat what was being served.

So the Cool Kids Cooking Club idea came to me:

I could make a program for them where they would

  • help me prepare the meal
  • help me set the table
  • eat the meal

and then they would

  • earn a badge for their own aprons

(I got my kids each a little apron for them to have for their badges and to wear while they cook! Here are a couple amazon links for aprons I like:)

1 Apron for $6.49

4 Aprons for $13.99

How does it work?

Each week includes 3 recipes that the kids have to do the above steps in order to earn a special patch for their apron. The recipes will all be themed to one another and the patch will  correspond to that theme.

Let’s See An Example:

Week 1 is Hawaii Week!

The 3 Recipes are:

  1. Teriyaki Chicken Thighs
  2. Macaroni Salad
  3. Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Here is the patch:

(I am currently buying the patches in bulk online. They are $3 each and I order a month at a time. Visit my Facebook Group Here for my Venmo/PayPal information to order badges for your kids).

Once your child(ren) has helped with cooking and eating all three dishes, they get to put the patch on their apron!

I love it! How do my kids join the club?

Happy to have your kids join! The more we grow the club — the merrier! I think the kids can help each other by seeing other kids eating new foods too.

I made a Facebook Group where we can share pictures of the foods, our kids making and eating the foods, as well as questions or concerns anyone might have. The link is here:

Cook Kids Cooking Club Facebook Group

Please ask to join the group and you’ll be admitted!

Then what?

Each week’s theme and recipes will be posted here on my blog, as well as in the Facebook Group. Subscribe to both so you don’t miss a week!

Can’t wait for our kids to start cooking together! I’m excited to see their horizons expand and their palettes mature!

Weeks that have posted so far:

Hawaii Week –> click here for the post!